The first step in our collection is to skip trace the account. This is the art of locating and verifying that the demographic information is accurate. Effective collection is done through communication with the consumer.


Asset Maximization Group, Inc. uses an attorney network to litigate on your accounts.


We have the ability to credit report your account to the Credit Bureaus. This service is offered to our clients free of charge.


With our Web Access Portal we offer our clients the ability to access their accounts online. You are given the ability to monitor all accounts placed with our agency. Some features include:

View all accounts placed
Run customized reports
Report payments
Cancel / Recall accounts placed for collections
Edit accounts placed for collection
Upload files to our site
View account details
Verify payments


Asset Maximization Group, Inc. complies with all Federal and State laws including FDCPA/FCRA/HIPAA.


We work on a strict contingency fee basis. If we are unable to collect for you, we do not get paid. This gives us a financial incentive to recover the most amount of money for you.

There is no set-up fee involved.


We are confident that we can get the job done. We will be more than happy to work the account that your existing or previous agency has exhausted their collection efforts on. Many of our existing clients were surprised to see that we were able to recover on those old receivables. We are compensated solely on a contingency fee basis. If we are unable to collect on any account for our clients we simply do not get paid. If you are not happy, you have the option to simply close out you accounts and go with another agency. We do not charge any fees if you decide to leave at any time.

This communication is from a Debt Collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

© 2012 Copyright Asset Maximization Group, Inc. All rights reserved.